Luminous Flow: The Cosmic Self in Everyday Life

The painting images a Self as a cosmic being. The self is no longer only entangled in everyday tasks, limited by practical life. It is an expansive cosmic construct, interconnected with the universe. The task of practical life is a process of that allows the inner universe to bloom, to shine, and to radiate through our presence, interactions, and everyday actions.

As we cultivates awareness of the cosmic self, it begins to radiate naturally through us, particularly in our face—the mirror of the self—and subtly influences all the faces we meet. This radiance is not forced; it is the result of being connected to the vastness of the universe within us, allowing that light to shine effortlessly in our presence.

Through this connection, we realize that life is not about the daily grind or mundane tasks, but about manifesting the cosmic wonder within, bringing it into practical life, and allowing it to inspire others. As we bloom and shine from within, we help ignite the same light in others, reminding them of their own inner universes. In this way, ouor lives become a shared cosmic journey, where each person is a part of the universal radiance, creating a world of interconnected peace and harmony.

This painting invites us to see every interaction, every moment, as an opportunity to let the cosmic self bloom and shine outward, creating ripples of light in the world. It’s not just about personal growth; it's about sharing the cosmic light that resides within us, subtly encouraging others to discover and express their own inner universe.

We recognize, life’s deeper task is to embody the cosmic light within, live in common breath with the universe, and help others recognize their place in the vast, wondrous whole. The more we radiate this light, the more we contribute to a collective blooming of human potential, fostering a world where each person’s inner universe shines, creating a sense of shared cosmic belonging, a peace of bliss.