
Fortune is the love of life, the unpredictable, always creative.

            She nurses all living ideas, protects them and gives them an environment in which they develop - all good things created by life, all its humongous life forms filled with ideas. They developed protected by Fortuna until they are ready, ripe and mature, and have become clusters boosting with ideas. Now are send out to show what they can in the loving world.

            Fortuna is the good mother that gives her children love and time to grow. Alle the ideas are her children. She trusts them that the will creative wonderful and good things out of the love she gives them. The good Fortuna is love and trust in the life she fosters.

            Fortunas is society of nurseries loving and protecting life, and its infinite production of of ideas - and life is happy and fun.


The sick Fortuna wants to control life. Creative ideas are considered chaotic and dangerous. She blocks development, creates a static world that is self-destructive. All activities are self-negating, eroding their conditions, produces conflict, warfare and destruction - unless they are developed their creative being protected by the good Fortune.

            When Fortuna is sick, she loses trust in time and love. Fortuna she is fragile and may become sick. Then she gets desperate and gives ideas no time and protection to develop. Now her things are malnourished, skinny, they are like fragile silly drama queens and short lived. Their self-negative activities causes destruction, violence, and misery. Poverty, warfare, oppression, stupidity, and slavery comes out of her sick control.


When she becomes sick, she tramples on society and turns her back to its misery. Life trembles  in fear of her lies and hate and withers. She fills society with screaming voices filled with deception and paranoiac illusions, and society is Hell. It is ruled by lying Devils, that behind closed doors brag about their sadistic power.

            There is no good control - except help and protective love. This is the way of life. It is life that created the good Fortune out of the dark void. Rotten life the bad. Life always struggles to overcome it.